How to Handle the Two Week Wait

How to handle the two week wait. Waiting to find out if you’re pregnant can be incredibly stressful. I bet likely, you won’t be as cheerful during your two week wait as this lady crossing her fingers in the picture. It can be especially difficult to endure if you have been trying for a while. Even if it has not been a while by someone else’s measure of what is a “while”, waiting to find out if you’re pregnant is excruciating for most.

So as you probably figured out the two week wait (TWW) is the two weeks after trying to conceive (TTC). During this time, you will wait with fingers crossed in hopes that you are forming an embryo inside your belly.

It will feel like the longest two weeks in your life. Time will actually slow down! No not really, but you WILL notice that everywhere you go it seems as if everyone is pregnant! It’s almost comical.

If you’re like me, you will get good at dodging the baby making timetable question from coworkers and all the random people you talk to throughout the day. Isn’t it about time we extinct the “when are YOU going to have a baby?” question. As if we could provide the exact time of when this could come true anyways! That’s a story for another time though.

Back to controlling and handling the two week wait situation. Ironically, the fact of the matter is that you are not in control. You’re not control of your fate at all, especially with trying to get a big fat positive (BFP) pregnancy test. You may also feel this way, as if the TWW is an existential crisis within itself.

With that being said, the two weeks will be tumultuous with its ups and downs. Each day may be a rollercoaster of emotions from excited to impatient. One out of the fourteen days you will be hopeful, another day you may feel sad and envious of your pregnant friend from high school you saw on your social media feed.

A few ways to try to distract yourself and occupy your time while Two Week Waiting:

  1. Meditate daily, or when you find the time. While inhaling, think positive thoughts for yourself like “everything will work out for me in perfect timing”. Exhale any negative thoughts of doubt or fear. Some feel bringing positive energy in towards them while inhaling works for them similar to the practice of Reiki. You could even take it even further and make motions with your hands and bring the energy in towards your womb. Subsequently, you could push your arms out away from your body at shoulder height and shake off something negative. This brings a Taylor Swift song to mind.
  2. Take a dance break. For at least one song, jump around and practice your favorite dance moves, if you have them. If you’re not a dancer, blast your favorite song and sing it or jam out.
  3. Watch your favorite movie. Break out of your routine and make time for it. Need I say more?
  4. Take a walk with a friend, partner or pet. Try to talk about positive things you are looking forward to on the walk. If you are by yourself, redirect your mind if you start drifting off and thinking negatively and set it back to something that is positive for yourself.
  5. Shopping! If you have some spare fun money, whatever the amount, go shop for something to splurge on yourself. Try not to make it something boring that’s already your routine or on your list. Making small choices and decisions of purchasing items is actually proven to be therapeutic. They don’t call it retail therapy for nothing!
  6. If you don’t exercise already, it is actually a good time to start. Not only will it focus yourself on something other than TTC, you will get better fitness and endurance which will come in handy when having a baby who will eventually turn into a toddling toddler. Most doctors say to keep on doing the same exercise regimen you had pre-pregnancy, and not to start anything new while pregnant. Hence, it is a great opportunity to start being more active prior to baby. Be moderate, and choose a workout that’s suitable for yourself. For example, walking after dinner is usually tolerable for many people.
  7. Stay off of social media if you feel this is helpful for yourself. I took a break from social media at this time because I found it wasn’t helpful for my personal journey in life. Its only human to look at what others are doing but, if in doing that you don’t feel good, no need to overthink it just try something new. After my break from socials and my phone, I noticed the world around me was more colorful. Trees were greener, and I started to notice and appreciate my surroundings more, especially nature.
  8. Get into nature. Wherever you can go that is scenic, go there and relax by sitting, hiking or walking.
  9. Hang out with a good friend or family member. Someone who is special to you that uplifts you. We all have friends who can drain us.
  10. Give back. Most people say the most rewarding thing is helping someone else in need. In doing so, you take the focus off our yourself and your problem. This can even be a community service or donation.



Hang in there, friend! I sincerely wish all of my reader’s a speedy success in their endeavors to achieve pregnancy!  My fingers are crossed for you. Please visit for any infertility support you may need. Always remember, per you are not alone.


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