Dealing with your Family and the Pressure of Trying to Conceive
Getting ready for the holidays is stressful enough! Knowing that you are going to have to see all your extended family members who you have not seen since Easter or Thanksgiving can be a lot to bear if you still aren’t pregnant this year. Handling your parents’ expectations on giving them a grandchild when struggling with infertility and or difficulty conceiving can be a delicate and sensitive situation. Here are some suggestions on how to navigate this challenging dynamic with your parents or family:
1. Open and Honest Communication: It’s important to have open and honest conversations with your parents and or family about your struggles with trying to conceive. Share your feelings, emotions, and the challenges you are facing. Help them understand that infertility is a medical condition and not something within your control. Educate them about the complexities of infertility and the various treatments or options you may be exploring. Many people simply do not understand that infertility is a medical condition and their advice on TTC wont help. Trust me, you will receive so much advice on what to do while TTC from everyone as if they are a medical doctor. Because if it worked for them it will work for you, right?
2. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with your parents or family members regarding discussions about having children or becoming grandparents. Let them know what topics or comments are hurtful or uncomfortable for you. Communicate your needs and ask for their understanding and support in respecting those boundaries. This can help create a more supportive and understanding environment. It may feel uncomfortable at first but, it will feel nice to have those conversations stop eventually.
3. Educate Them About Infertility: Many people have limited knowledge or misconceptions about infertility. Provide them with information, resources, or articles that explain the medical aspects of infertility. Help them understand that it is a complex issue that may require time, medical intervention, or alternative family-building options. This can help dispel any misunderstandings and foster empathy and understanding.
4. Share Your Emotional Journey: Allow your parents or family to be a part of your emotional journey by sharing your experiences, feelings, and challenges. Help them understand the emotional toll that infertility can have on you and your partner. This can create a deeper level of empathy and support from them as they gain insight into your struggles.
5. Encourage Supportive Actions: If your  family is struggling to understand or cope with your infertility, encourage them to seek support as well. Suggest that they join support groups for parents of individuals struggling with infertility or recommend resources that can help them navigate their own emotions and expectations. This can provide them with a safe space to share their feelings and concerns.
6. Offer Alternative Ways to Be Involved: Assure your family that their role in your life and your future family is still significant, even if it may not involve biological children. Discuss alternative ways they can be involved, such as supporting you emotionally, being present during medical appointments, or being involved in the decision-making process for alternative family-building options. Help them understand that family is not solely defined by biological ties.
7. Seek Professional Mediation: If conversations with your parents become challenging or strained, consider seeking the help of a professional mediator or therapist. A neutral third party can facilitate discussions, provide guidance, and help bridge the gap between your parents’ expectations and your own reality. They can help facilitate understanding and support for all parties involved.
Remember, navigating your family’s expectations while dealing with infertility can be emotionally challenging. Spending time with family can be tough while struggling to conceive. This holiday season please know that it is okay to take a break from talking about TTC with your family and just stay home if that is what is best for you. It’s important to prioritize your own well-being and communicate your needs openly and honestly. Seek support from your partner, friends, or a therapist who can provide guidance and understanding during this difficult time.
If you wish to join a support group or need someone to talk to you are not alone! Visit for their many infertility resources or Dial 888-623-0744 
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