Five Reasons to try the Cupid Baby kit for at Home Insemination

The Cervical Cap Insemination (CCI) method has been around for 100 years.

No matter how long you have been trying, if you want to up your odds of conceiving this month timed intercourse will help. Your odds of conceiving without timing are around 16 % and with timing are up to 33%.

“Timed intercourse” is defined as the act of intentionally trying to conceive by having intercourse with your partner and or using a sperm donor with at home insemination while ovulating/ in your ovulation window. The Cupid Baby is LGBTQIA & Single mom by choice (SMC) friendly.

The Cupid Insemination process uniquely saves sperm. Stop sperm waste today! The Cupid cervical cap is a one step method, no collection cups or syringes needed. Simply place sperm into the Cupid, pinch and place. Visit our how to section to learn more and watch in depth videos.

Shop small today! With each kit sold 10% is donated to help the infertility community through the National Infertility Association

Happy Conceiving!